In accordance with the Constitution, Gymnastics New Zealand is calling for nominations to fill the two Elected Board Member positions which become vacant at the upcoming AGM – Wednesday 11th May 2022. Nominations are due by 5:00pm Monday 11th April 2022, using the attached nomination form. Please find more information detailed in the attached memorandum.

Furthermore, nominations are being called for Life Membership, Meritorious and National Service Awards to Gymnastics New Zealand. Nominations are due by 5:00pm Monday 11th April 2022, using the respective nomination forms which are attached to this correspondence. Further information is supplied in the attached memorandum.
- Nomination form for elected Board Member positions – due by 5:00 pm Monday 11th April
- Nomination form for Service and Meritorious Awards – due by 5:00 pm Monday 11th April
- Application for Life Membership – due by 5:00 pm Monday 11th April 2022
- Delegate Form – due by 5.00pm Monday 11th April 2022
- Alternative Club Delegate form – due by Monday 11th April. Please use this form if you wish to appoint a member from an alternative club to act as your delegate at the AGM.
- Notice of Agenda
- Board Appointments Panel Recommendations