14 – 15 January, Auckland.
More than 110 coaches kicked off the new year earning new qualifications, new skills and new friends from around the country, at GymSchool 2017.
Top international presenters included:
– Jarrod Heriot (NZ Olympic TRA Coach)
– Mary Wright (NZ Olympic WAG Coach)
– Mike Weinstock (British Gymnastics presenter)
– Terry Walker (ex-Head Team Coach World Champions Centre, home of Simone Biles)
Coaching Qualification Courses
Upgrade your coaching qualification. Â Courses are being held for Elementary, Junior and Junior Advanced Coach. Â Senior Coach qualification is being run at the FIG Academy 9 – 16 January at the same venue.
Coaching Workshops
Designed for coaches and judges who are looking to upskill.  Minimum age required is 16 years and coaches should have at minimum Foundation Coach qualification as the workshops are aimed at competitive/advanced recreation.
Administrator Workshops
Workshops for club managers, committee members and administrators who deal with the day to day running of a club – a professional development opportunity, focussing on administration best practices and processes.