Per the Constitution, the Board Appointments Panel (BAP) is calling for nominations from suitably qualified candidates to fill three elected board member positions for the Gymnastics NZ Board, all of which will become vacant as of the 2024 AGM, to be held virtually at 7.00 pm on Thursday 13 June 2024. All nominations must be received by 5.00 pm Tuesday 7 May 2024.
Life Membership, Meritorious, and National Service Awards
Nominations are also being called for Gymnastics NZ life membership, meritorious, and national service awards. All nominations must be received by 5.00 pm Tuesday 7 May 2024, using the respective nomination forms.
Member clubs and associate members must appoint one delegate (to attend in person) or an alternative delegate (to vote on the club’s behalf) at the AGM and must notify the Gymnastics NZ Chief Executive of their delegate by no later than 5.00 pm Tuesday 7 May 2024. Delegate forms will be circulated three weeks before the AGM through the Gymnastics NZ weekly newsletter and the relationship management team.
Other Business
Any other items of business must be submitted to Gymnastics NZ no later than 5.00 pm Tuesday 7 May 2024.
Please also see the full memo for more information.