Auckland-Northland Funding Opportunities

Anna RobertsonAuckland-Northland, e-News, Member Updates, Regional, Uncategorized

GymSports NZ Grant Funding Guide

GymSports NZ has produced a Grant Funding Guide which is available to all affiliated members with a password via our website. If you would like access to this resource which includes a full list of grant funders for Auckland and Northland, who and what they fund and dates when applications need to be in, please contact your Regional Relationship Manager.

Auckland KiwiSport Funding Overview

Harbour Sport KiwiSport Local Community Fund

Harbour Sport is now accepting Expressions of Interest for the KiwiSport Local Community Fund ($3,000 – $30,000). The deadline for EOI submissions is 5pm Thursday 13 April 2017. The total budget available in this funding round is $115,076.00. Please ask Dee Lampe (RM), for the Expression of Interest form and the KiwiSport Quick Guide.
Your project must meet the following criteria:
• More Kids: increase the number of school-aged children playing organised sport.
• More Opportunities: Increase the availability and accessibility of sport for school-aged children.
• Better Skills: Support children in developing skills that will allow them to participate effectively in sport throughout school and beyond.

Your project must also address one or more of the following Harbour community priorities identified in the 2015 community consultation:
• Development of skilled coaches, volunteers and teachers.
• Addressing the issue of lack of time (parents working, teacher workload and volunteers working).
• Creation of local competitions/time/cost/travel.
• Change perceptions around ability levels required to participate.
• Development of social sport opportunities.

What is not funded
The following projects are not eligible for the KiwiSport Fund:
1. Applications for facilities and/or amenity development
2. One-off events
3. Projects that do not involve partnerships
4. Projects that do not have support of the relevant NSO(s)
5. Projects that are retrospective in nature
6. At a regional level, projects that are currently receiving other KiwiSport funding from any of the 4 local RSTs. (Applicants can apply for different projects or extension of projects across the Auckland region e.g. project began in one region and applicant wants to expand it to other three regions.)
7. Projects that represent ‘business as usual’ for stakeholders
8. Projects that are predominantly social marketing campaigns
9. Projects that are predominantly nutrition or physical activity focused
10. Sponsorship
11. Funding cannot be used for administration or coordination expenses including but not limited to salaries, office and stationery expenses, vehicle or mileage, phone, computer

Find more information relating to the Local Community Fund on their website. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Jenny at Harbour Sport or phone her on 027 290 8068.