Ollerup 2025 Scholarships Awarded

Anna Robertsone-News

We are excited to announce the 2025 Ollerup scholarship winners as Jessie Mok from Twisters Tawa Gymnastic Club (6-month scholarship) and Millie Woodley-Phillips from NHG (12-month scholarship). Both students have will be studying power tumbling.   Congratulations to you both and safe travels for August 2025. We look forward to hearing about your adventures.

Passion the key word for new HPSNZ coaching consultant Angie Dougal

Anna Robertsone-News

“Coaching is hard, especially for low-profile sports yet it is possibly the most influential role in a high-performance environment.” Olympic trampoline coach Angie Dougal talks about her coaching journey as she was recently appointed a coaching consultant for High Performance Sport New Zealand. Read the article here.

Angie Dougal – Coaches Korero (SPCNZ)

Anna Robertsone-News

Thank you to Sports Performance Coach NZ, who wrote and originally published the below article. “We get it wrong by focusing on winning.” At first glance, these words don’t seem like they would come from a high performance coach, especially the coach of a current world champion. But listening to Angie Dougal, it makes complete sense, and she has the … Read More