Gymnastics NZ is conducting an athlete survey as part of the Project 2020 – Athlete Wellbeing project (from the Club Support Plan). We are interested in hearing from competitive athletes in a short online survey. The survey is completely confidential and we encourage all athletes to think deeply about their answers so that they add real value. It is extremely important to us that the athletes are the focus of this project and that any action is guided by them.

The survey results will be converted into an insights report which will be analysed by an Athlete Wellbeing steering group in the near future. This Steering Group will be made up of internal and external experts, including athlete representatives, they will be tasked with developing the scope of the Athlete Wellbeing project and prioritising the initiatives within it.
We encourage as many athletes as possible to share their thoughts. For athletes under 16, we ask that a parent or guardian is available to guide them through the survey and articulate their answers as closely to their language as possible.
We also ask that athletes refrain from using any names, clubs or regions within their answers.
There are two surveys – one for current athletes and one for previous athletes. We very much welcome thoughts from both.
Surveys close Monday 28 October 2019.