Incentive Awards Programme
The Incentive Awards (IA) Programme is available to all affiliated members across all 5 sports, aged 6 years and over.
Levels 1-4:
- Coached by coaches who have attended the Basic Skills and Recreation Coach courses of the same code
- Must be tested by Level 1 judges of the same code
Levels 5-7:
- Coaches by coaches who have attended the Junior Coach course of the same code
- Must be tested by Level 2 judges of the same code
On successful completion of each level, participants can be awarded with a badges and certificate. Â Clubs are responsible for the administration of the programme, and must submit IA Testing sheets with their orders.
Order Incentive Awards
Clubs must submit official IA Test Summary Sheets with all badge and certificate orders.  Judges qualifications are verified before releasing orders.  To place an order:
- Complete an online product order form
- See the IA Price List for product codes
- Send your IA Testing Sheet to
You should expect to receive your IA order within 5-7 business days.