At the 2019 Annual General Meeting held 18 July 2020, Ken Bow was the recipient of a Meritorious Award.
Please read below for the full citation from the Gymnastics NZ Honours Committee:

Ken is a member of the Gymnastics NZ Menʼs Technical/SDC Committee. His current position is Menʼs Judging Advisor. He is also a Life Member of Mid Island Gymsports, Rotorua.
Following his retirement as a MAG National Senior Gymnast Ken commenced his lifelong journey as a Judge.
He has been a National Judge for more than 30 years. Ken has been a FIG International Brevet Judge since 1994, this is for a period of 25 years. His current qualification is Category 2, MAG FIG Brevet Judge.
Over these 25 years, he has represented New Zealand Gymnastics, as a Judge
at multiple international events, inclusive of Universiade Games, Pacific Rim, FIG World Cupʼs, World Championships (Junior and Open), Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games Test Events.
For the past 10 years, Ken has been a member of the Menʼs Technical
Committee/SDC. He is also a Gymnastics NZ accredited education course
presenter and presents, on an average, of 1-2 courses per annum from
Elementary Level through to Senior Level. In addition to his Presenter duties, on behalf of the Menʼs SDC Ken provides and prepares the Course Content material working together with the Gymnastics NZ Education Manager. In this role, Ken has mentored many young Judges throughout New Zealand.
Ken has been the Control Judge at multiple (uncountable) New Zealand
National Championships, Domestic/Regional Competitions and Championships throughout New Zealand. He also assists at MAG National Training Squads and Selection Trials.
Another service Ken undertakes in his role as MAG Judging Advisor is the
overseeing and approval of Judging Panels for Sanctioned Competitions and
Events in addition to the updating of the National Register.
Mr Chairman, the Honours Committee recommends to this Annual General
Meeting that Ken Bowʼs service to Gymnastics in New Zealand be recognised by presenting him with a Meritorious Award and I would ask you to so move.
Marie Stechman MNZM
Chair – GNZ Honours Committee
26 June 2020