Gymnastics Coach Sentencing in Blenheim

Anna Robertsone-News

Gymnastics New Zealand notes the sentence handed down to former Blenheim Gymnastics Club member Gregory Pask at the Blenheim District Court on Wednesday 17 April.

Gymnastics NZ would like to thank the Police for their work to secure the conviction of this offender and secure a sentence that ensures he no longer poses a threat to society.

As we have stated previously, our primary concern remains the wellbeing of the victims of these awful crimes – and working to ensure this cannot happen again.

Gymnastics NZ and Blenheim Gymnastics Club recently met with the Police and Oranga Tamariki, where we learned details of the offending and had the opportunity to ask questions about what lessons can be learned to protect participants in our clubs from sexual offenders who prey on children.

We will be consulting child safeguarding experts to consider how this advice can be incorporated into the sport’s child safeguarding policies and practices, building on what is already in place.

The offending that occurred in Blenheim is a horrible reminder that all sports and recreational activities that involve children under adult supervision are vulnerable to child safeguarding issues, including issues of serious criminality. It can happen anywhere – and all people who work or volunteer in the sector need to be vigilant and alert to these threats.

This situation reinforces the importance of Gymnastics NZ’s work to ensure that child safeguarding remains the priority at all levels of the sport and across the national club network.

I can confirm that, as of the beginning of 2024, all Gymnastics NZ affiliated clubs are compliant with our child safeguarding requirements. These include having an up-to date child safeguarding policy; undertaking police vetting, safeguarding training for all coaches; and nominated safeguarding club leads.
Gymnastics NZ will continue to support our clubs’ efforts to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their participants and members.

Please note: If you were a victim to this offending you can contact the Police on 105 or come into your local police station and reference file number: 230903/8087.


Andrea Nelson

Chief Executive, Gymnastics New Zealand