2023 National Service Award – Dylan Schmidt

Anna Robertsone-News

From the annual general meeting held virtually Wednesday 14 June, we congratulate Dylan Schmidt on being awarded a national service award, for his services to Gymnastics New Zealand as outlined in the citation below.


Dylan has been a successful competitive trampolinist since 2007, winning his first World Age Group Trampoline Championship in 2009. He has won multiple, uncountable medals since then inclusive of India
Pacific Champion, Youth Olympic Champion, Olympic Bronze Medalist, and most lately a World Champion.

He has been a true inspiration to all New Zealanders, specifically gymnasts and trampolinists. His success shows that we, as a national sport, can have adult athletes who can represent us and ”beat” the world.

Dylan has an undeniable drive to give back to the trampoline and the gymnastics community, sharing his story, showing his medals, and judging, all in a drive to inspire and motivate the next generation. He
coaches and shares his knowledge.

Dylan is also a New Zealand Olympic Ambassador, a role that sees him travel throughout New Zealand to speak to school children about his journey and his values in the hope to motivate them to succeed in any endeavour they pursue.

Recently Dylan was appointed to the Performance Sport NZ, Athlete Leaders Network (ALN). This is the athlete voice mechanism with High Performance Sport NZ. This was a huge honour, not only for Dylan but also for Gymnastics NZ as we see athletes’ voices grow in our country across all sports.