We offer our congratulations to Keita McComb whose services to Gymnastics NZ were recognised with a meritorious award (see the below citation), at the annual general meeting held virtually Wednesday 14 June.
Keita commenced her career in rhythmic gymnastics as a gymnast. She commenced her judging career in 1999; judged at her first national championships in 2001 and since this date she has judged at 19 national championships.
She has been an FIG Brevet judge since 2009 through to the current year of 2023 (excluding one missed cycle). She Judges at both local, regional, and national competitions.
On behalf of Gymnastics NZ she has judged at three overseas competitions. She was also the NZ Team Manager to the 2014 Australian Championships.
For many years Keita has been a course presenter for Gymnastics NZ judging courses. She has also undertaken the duty of control judge at the national championships, a service she has provided for approximately nine years.
In 2007 Keita was appointed to the Gymnastics NZ Rhythmic Technical Committee as the judging co-ordinator. During this term she undertook the role of chairperson. Following the restructure she was re-appointed to the Committee and has served for 16 years.