Emergency lock-down procedures
With the horrific events in Christchurch on 15 March still very present in our minds we are working with clubs to put together a template lock-down procedure for clubs to adopt and adapt. While this is most certainly a policy we hope no one ever needs to put into action, it is vital to be prepared. This policy will be circulated as soon as it is completed and will be accessed via Club Portal.
Gymnastics NZ – Annual General Meeting and Clubs Conference
The Gymnastics NZ Clubs Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place in Auckland at the Sudima Hotel on Sunday 5 May 2019 with the AGM starting at 4 pm.
The clubs conference is an excellent opportunity for club leaders to connect and network while gaining new insights and development opportunities.
Topics for the conference include:

- Membership Protection – this will involve a range of key parties and industry experts and will include a broad range of elements including judicial regulations, member protection, dispute and disciplinary procedures, complaints, code of conduct, safe sport and athlete welfare.
- Leadership development.
Registration for the conference and AGM or nomination of someone to vote on your club’s behalf must be submitted by
Club Portal – Update
We are well underway with migrating clubs across to the new database system. Over 70 clubs now have access to Club Portal and are using this to order merchandise, book onto courses and check coach qualifications.
Registration for all education courses must now be done via Club Portal. If you do not yet have access (you’ll know if you have as you will have received an email detailing login instructions), please check that you have all your coaches and judges listed on Friendly Manager with their Gymnastics NZ role identified and contact information and then contact either Helpdesk or your Relationship Manager to let us know. Once we receive your thumbs up, we’ll get you transferred and up and running.
What can you use Club Portal for?
• View education qualifications with the ability to upload First Aid certificates and post-course material (please note that qualifications and/or modules from September onwards will not be immediately visible as these will be manually loaded in the coming weeks);
• Your club profile (ability to view and edit);
• Register coaches and judges on education courses and workshops;
• Add practical coaching hours (can be updated at any time and submitted annually);
• Keep informed on all things gymnastics through the News Feed (latest news, information and media announcements);
• Access the Gymnastics NZ document/resource library;
• Place orders through the e-Commerce site (products and merchandise).
Ollerup 2020
We once again have two scholarships to offer to students:

- Full Year Scholarship: August 2020 – July 2021 – Applications Close 31 October 2019. More information.
- 23 Week Scholarship: January 2020 – July 2020 – Applications Close 12 August 2019. More information.
Both scholarships are part-funded which means if successful you will be required to pay the rest of the amount.
Regional Action Plans – 2019
After reflection of the past four years of Regional Action Plans we have decided to move to two-year plans. This will give enough time to develop projects and resources and then implement them and support clubs to utilise them effectively.
Key areas of focus in 2019-2020 include:
- Club capability development (including child protection, handling complaints, HR issues)
- Health and s
afety - Athlete retention
GNZ Reporting and Payment Dates 2019
Please find an updated calendar of Gymnastics NZ reporting and payment dates for 2019.