Building a Positive Health & Safety Culture
Positive health and safety culture is ultimately about people, specifically your people and team, and how they work together and with others, they come into contact with through your workplace.
The importance of moving beyond meeting minimum health and safety requirements via lists and processes is highlighted in this article: Building a Positive Health & Safety Culture in Your Club.
Health and Safety – Roles and Responsibilities
In August we highlighted the importance of EVERYONE in a club understanding their roles and responsibilities in relation to health and safety. This is a very important part of meeting your health and safety requirements and building a positive health and safety culture discussed above. Go back and refresh and access the related resources and templates.
Notifiable Events
A reminder that all clubs are required under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 to inform WorkSafe NZ when a ‘notifiable’ event occurs. Clubs are also required to notify Gymnastics NZ via your Relationship Manager at the same time. We will provide support if needed and the information enables us to identify trends in types of accident and provide support, training or changes to programmes etc if necessary. What constitutes a notifiable event?
Fire Safety and Evacuations
When putting together or reviewing your emergency plans here is some useful information from the NZ Fire and Emergency to guide you: