Safeguarding Children / Child Protection
This is a very important area for clubs to understand their responsibilities, have clear policies and procedures in place and be pro-active rather than waiting until something happens before taking action. In order to best support this, GNZ has worked with Safeguarding Children to put together a webinar to support those who take a leadership role in this area within clubs.
Webinar – ‘Safeguarding in your Gymnastics Club’
The webinar took place live on 10 March and we had over 100 people registered with really positive feedback.
We know that club people are extremely busy so the webinar will remain available until 9 April 2020. Once you have registered and completed the pre-requisite, you will be given access and will be able to listen in your own time. All information is in this information sheet or contact
Sport NZ is finalising their own updated Child Protection Policy and we will be utilising this to update Gymnastics NZ policy in line with requirements for NSO’s.
Minimum Wage Increase
On 1 April 2020, the minimum wage in NZ will increase to $18.90 per hour. Here is the update from the Ministry of Business, Industry and Employment.
In Club Portal you can find an updated copy of the Pay-scale Guidelines for Gymnastics Coaches and Administrators. This is under Resources > Human Resources.
Health & Safety
Health and Safety is an area of ongoing importance for clubs. As the year is getting underway, this is a good time to do the following:
- Health and Safety inductions for any new staff and volunteers (and refreshers for existing staff and volunteers)
- Review your club risk assessment
- Review your club and individual roles and responsibilities – who is responsible for what? Has this changed with new staff members/new committee members etc.
In the November edition of Clubland we covered roles and responsibilities, creating a positive Health and Safety culture and emergencies – this is worth a refresh HERE.
IMPORTANT – COVID-19 (Novel coronavirus)
As you will all be well aware, this is an ongoing and rapidly evolving situation world-wide.
The following link directs you to up to date information from the Ministry of Health.
Take a few minutes to read through and we recommend some discussion within club/committee to think through how the club would handle things like:
- Urgent notification of members – what are your communication processes
- A requirement to close for a short or longer period of time
As employers, this should be considered from a workplace perspective and this article from WorkSafe will help with what you should be thinking about
Club Portal:
All the resources and templates to assist with this are available on Club Portal under Resources > Health & Safety. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask for support from your Relationship Manager.
The Resource library on Club Portal holds a wide range of resources, guides and templates. These resources are largely gymnastics specific and are designed to save you time.
We are continually adding to these resources and if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see included please let us know.
Examples of what can be found in the resource library include (this is not a complete list – see Resources in Club Portal HERE for more.
- Grant Funding Guide and templates
- Fundraising Guide and templates
Health & Safety:
- GNZ H&S Guide for Clubs
- Key Areas of Responsibility for H&S (*NEW*)
- GNZ H&S Induction Checklist template
+ an extensive list of other resources and templates
Human Resources:
- Staff and Volunteer Induction Handbook template
- Payscale Guidelines for Gymnastics Coaches and Administrators
- Performance Appraisals – Introduction guides and template (*NEW*)
- Club Annual Planning Processes and templates
- Marketing resources – Email, Facebook and Website
- TeamGym
- Tumbling
- School Festivals
See the Payment and Reporting Dates for 2020.
Membership Numbers – these are uplifted from Friendly Manager after the third week of each term. Please ensure that you have classes rolled over. If you have any questions or need assistance, please let GNZ or Friendly Manager know.
Participation Numbers – these are submitted via Friendly Manager and should be done at the completion of a term. Participation numbers are a vital part of GNZ reporting to Sport NZ. Combined with membership numbers, they show the whole picture of participation in our sport. We want to be able to show Sport NZ ALL of the amazing delivery that is going on in clubs so please make sure these are submitted termly. First due date for 2020 is If you need any assistance, please contact your Relationship Manager.
REMINDER – Practical Coaching Hours – there are still a few clubs that have yet to submit these. They are particularly important for coaches who intend to be on the floor at Nationals as they are a requirement. Practical coaching hours are submitted via Club Portal, if you have any questions please contact your RM or Helpdesk.
Practical coaching hours are only submitted for coaches with an Elementary qualification (or higher). If there are any coaches who have this level of qualification who do not appear on your list in Club Portal, please contact for assistance. Please note – If a coach has attended Elementary Coach course but not submitted their post course assignment, they will not appear until this has been done.