Dare to Lead™ in Sport Workshop
1-2 July 2019
Molesworth Street, Wellington
This is a 2-day courage skill-building workshop specifically for people in sport. The workshop is based on the research of Dr Brene Brown and is aimed at athletes, coaches and administrators, managers and committee members who are looking to learn how and why courage builds better leaders and teams.
See the Dare to Lead™ flyer for more information.
Sport Tutor – Thriving Under Fire
This is a free online course that can be done at your own pace and started at any time.
The course gives you the skills to deal with passionate people, also known as angry parents, upset fans, confused club members, confrontational committee members, sulking suppliers, prickly players, grumpy coaches, niggly neighbours, crying children or neglected spouses.
In four modules covering (fifteen topics), you will learn why people act the way they do, why you find them difficult and simple things you can do to keep them as raving fans, good friends, loyal supporters, faithful spouses and contented kids.
Find more information and register.
Third Level Consulting
If you are looking for specific support, training or templates make sure you are looking at what is available from Third Level Consulting. These resources cover all angles of running a club including Health & Safety, Marketing, Communication and Growing Membership.