We are pleased to announce that the 2024 New Zealand Gymnastics Championships will be held at the Central Energy Trust Arena in Palmerston North in the second week of the October school holidays, training day is Monday 7 October and competition days Tuesday 8 – Saturday 12 October. All codes will compete under the same roof over the course of the week.

A world-class venue, Central Energy Trust Arena is at the heart of the Palmerston North community, hosting a range of sporting, cultural, and corporate events. We have no doubt that it will provide a spectacular stage on which to showcase New Zealand’s gymnastics talent.
The structure of the event will remain the same as this year. We have listened to the community feedback and will be keeping the minimum age of competitors at (turning) 9 years old in the year of competition. Any potential change to this will take place in 2025.
We look forward to once again working with the community to host another successful championships.