We wanted to provide a further update following the July Community Update where we advised that the Steering Committee has now completed Shaping the Future of Gymnastic in Aotearoa Work Plan and this has been approved by the Board of Gymnastics New Zealand.
With the Shaping the Future of Gymnastics in Aotearoa Work Plan in place, focus shifts to the delivery of this plan to continue making meaningful change to the culture of gymnastics in New Zealand. In some areas, this builds on initiatives already well underway and some new projects to address other specific recommendations.
Outlined in the September Community Update are a sample of the activities under the four key themes – Integrity, Health & Wellbeing, Environment & Culture and People & Programmes completed, or currently underway.
As the work plan activates, the community will be engaged and supported to play an important role in co-design and then delivery to ensure best chance of long-term success. To stay up to date with progress and engagement opportunities, you are encouraged to sign up for updates