Once again we have had a great year of school festivals in the Waikato. Altogether there were 14 festivals organised by eight clubs. The festivals gave over 2,000 young children the chance to have a go and compete against others, regardless of their ability. For many children, their school festival is the first time they try gymsports and it’s wonderful to see so many taking up this opportunity.
As always one of the highlights of the year is the ‘Give it a Go’ festival for children with special needs. Turn and Gymnastic Circle and Spiralz work together to deliver this amazing event – with 90 students attending, who had a variety of special needs, it certainly was a popular event. The students have an opportunity to try out a wide range of taster activities and do some great group performances with their teachers.
One of the highlights of the school festivals this year has been seeing the clubs work together and support each other at each event. The collaboration is wonderful and will hopefully spill over into more opportunities for the clubs to support one another and share ideas.