Thanking our Auckland and Northland Judges
2017 marked the start of a new Olympic cycle for judging and we have had more than 100 volunteers from Kaitaia down to South Auckland have attended judging courses to qualify or revalidate existing qualifications. Some are completely new to judging, others are re-qualifying as a judge at the level that they have been judging for years and some have stepped up to qualify at a higher level and, as far as I know, at least three people from Northland clubs have qualified as a judge for more than one code.
Judges dedicate a lot of time to study and up-skill themselves and to judge at events throughout the competition season. They practise judging by scoring athletes’ performances watching videos of athletes performing routines.
If you are looking for a way to stay involved in the sport you are so passionate about, judging and/or coaching can be a wonderful way to stay part of the Club and community. If you want to become a judge while you’re practising recreational gymnastics or after having competed in the sport yourself, it means that you already have a lot of knowledge giving an excellent base for becoming a judge. Judging is also a great way for parents to get involved in their child’s sport and support their Club.
All the judges that I have met, talk about the love and passion for the sport and how they want to be the best judge with an objective view and how they like to teach the skills to new upcoming judges. They love the benefits of judging; seeing the athletes grow and progress through their sport and seeing other people with the same passion.
He aha te ea nui o te ao?
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
Attendance at the judging courses from Auckland/Northland clubs:
AER Elementary Judges: 3
AER Junior Judges: 2
AER Junior Adv Judges: 6
AER Senior Judges: 2
MAG Elementary Judges: 10
MAG Junior Judges: 7
MAG Senior Judges: 6
WAG Elementary judges: 26
WAG Junior Judges: 22
WAG Senior Judges: 9
RG Elementary Judges: 5
RG Junior Judges: 8
RG Senior Judges: 6
TRA Elementary Judges: 14
(The other Trampoline Judging courses will be run later this year)
We want to thank everyone who has attended the judging courses and have put their time and effort in trying to achieve a judging qualification. And also thanks to all the judging volunteers who re-qualified through other ways than through attending a course.