We hope 2017 has started off really well for you after some relaxing time off over the Christmas and New Year break before returning back to “gym mode” for the upcoming season. We look forward to working closely with your club again in 2017.
Things to look out for in e-news this year include an article on the strategic planning process with case studies of gymsports clubs who have recently worked with us to complete their strategic plans. We will also be featuring a series of articles on growth and a range of success stories from clubs throughout the Auckland/Northland regions showcasing the great work going on in the regions. There will also be a build up to the 2016 Championships.
Want to start your year off with a bang?
Here are some tips to consider:
- Review current classes – since attending the GFA symposium and/or GymSchool, is there something that your club can do differently? Talk to your coaches and members about what they love about classes, what they would like to see changed and what they would like to see offered.
- Develop greater connections with schools – in-school delivery, moveMprove, Schools Festivals, GFA festivals, local weekend competitions. Local schools are a target market for potential new members.
- Introduce another GymSports NZ code – why not try Aerobics, Tumbling or Trampoline?
- Think about your target market – who is your current market? Do you understand your club’s demographics? Are there gaps in your club that could be filled?
- Are your current members aware of all the services your club is offering? Do they understand all the different classes? Would another class add value to their main focus?
2017 is underway and planning for this year should be in full swing. While some clubs are still enjoying the summer break, others are back and hard at it, running summer camps, athletes training and school holiday programmes. It is essential that some of the time in these first few weeks is spent planning. Things to think about are:
- Put together a Coach and Judge Education Calendar specific to your Club. What qualifications do you need individuals to obtain to achieve the Club’s goals this year? When are those courses being held?
- Funding applications: what funding do you need this year to achieve the things you are planning? What grants will you apply for? When are the closing dates? Refer to the GymSports NZ Grant Funding Guide for help.
- An Events and Competition calendar.
- Do the coaches have an annual/termly planning; what to teach each week to each group?
- Committee meetings calendar.