During the course of 2016, a number of engagement opportunities were presented to the wider gymsports community to contribute to the construction of a new strategic plan for the organisation. As a result of this process, the new strategic plan was unveiled and distributed towards the end of the year.
This new plan more succinctly outlines the strategic purpose of the organisation, and the measures which will define how well the organisation, and its community, succeed in delivering on these strategies. The job now is to embed this strategy within the organisation and socialise it throughout the gymsports community.
As part of the strategic discussion, the brand of the organisation was scrutinised which included the title of the organisation. After examining the input of all those who contributed to the strategic process and concentrated discussion with key stakeholders, the Board have determined that the organisation will undergo a rebranding exercise. As part of this rebrand, the organisationâs name will change to Gymnastics New Zealand.
The primary basis upon which this change has been recommended is:
- To bring the organisation in-line with terminology commonly used internationally. Beginning with the Federation Internationale de gymnastique, to the majority of country federations, to language commonly used by media outlets, the term gymnastics is most often used to describe our sports and our organisations engaged in facilitating it. Codes are commonly referred to as Artistic Gymnastics, Trampoline Gymnastics and so on. By making the change, Gymnastics New Zealand will come into line with how the language of gymnastics is most commonly used globally.
- To create a clearer pathway for external brand recognition not currently represented by use of the term gymsports. It is clear that the majority of external observers, down to the person on the street, struggles with the term gym sports and does not have instant brand recognition with gymnastics or its codes. By moving to a consistent use of the term and its messaging throughout our organisation, codes and community, brand recognition will be clearer and more engaging.
This rebrand will be a step-change process and initially the focus will be on outward facing representation of the organisations brand. To that end, an engagement process is currently underway across the gymnastics community to identify and understand the elements vital to the successful representation of a rebrand. I invite you to take part in this engagement and ensure we make a lasting change that will serve the organisation and community well into the future.
Tony Compier
Chief Executive Officer
GymSports New Zealand