Mitre10 MEGA Taupo and 100% Lake Taupo Charitable Trust have partnered to make over community assets in the Taupo area and Mt Tauhara were lucky enough to be selected as one of their recent projects.
The $30,000 project was largely sponsored by the two organisations with a contribution from the Club raised through the sale of protein bars and Christmas raffles (set aside over several years).  As a result, Mt Tauhara Gymnastics Club has undergone a major transformation.
Gone is the tired blue exterior, replaced by a fresh coat of paint, spruced up decking and new gardens. The interior was also revamped with a fresh coat of paint, minor repairs being made and some new windows fitted to increase ventilation.
The renovation project has been a work in progress over the summer with the interior work being carried out by a dedicated team of volunteers over the summer holidays. This saw the inside of the gym stripped, overhead lighting fixed and replaced with new units where needed, interior painting including a large-scale logo on one of the walls. Equipment was moved around to better use the space available – the floor was brought into centre stage in front of the tiered seating and the old tumble track was replaced with a new air track. Â The renovation culminated in a huge working bee with 35 volunteers from the Club along with Mitre10 and 100% Lake Taupo representatives working hard to complete the exterior work.
The Club is hugely grateful to Mitre10 MEGA Taupo and 100% Lake Taupo Charitable Trust for their financial support to make this dream a reality and to the volunteers who donated huge amounts of time over the past few months to get the project completed.
The renovation has breathed new life into the Club and made it an appealing and inviting place to train, spectate and compete. Come down and check it out!