We are almost at the halfway point in competition season and so far 1,121 athletes have competed at the five Midlands events that have taken place so far at ARGOS, Gymnastica, Hamilton City, MIGS and Mt Tauhara.
As competition ramps up and people get tired it’s important to remember to look after each other and offer support not only to your own Club but the athletes, coaches and judges from all Clubs. Our gymnastics community grows and strengthens through working together, supporting each other and sharing ideas and advice.
For a full list of events coming up in the Midlands region please see the most recent version of the Midlands Events Calendar. Please note this document is updated regularly and a new version will be sent out with each e-news.
Club Entry Forms
Clubs are responsible for sending competition entry forms to other Clubs, however, we are happy to include them in e-news. E-news goes out at the end of each month so if you would like your entry form included please send it to your Regional Relationship Manager by 20th of each month.