Midlands – Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Anna Robertsone-News, Midlands

Competition season is now underway across the country.  For a full list of events coming up please check this most recent version of the Midlands Events Calendar. Please note this document is updated regularly and a new version will be sent out with each e-news.

Club entry forms

Clubs are responsible for sending competition entry forms to other Clubs, however we are happy to include them in e-news. E-news goes out at the end of each month so if you would like your entry form included please send to your Regional Relationship Manager by 20th of each month.


Waikato Academy for Young Achievers (WAYA)

The Waikato Academy for Young Achievers supports the development and overall well-being of young athletes who aspire to achieve sporting excellence.

To be eligible for WAYA, an athlete must:

  • be nominated by their sport or school
  • be competing at a regional level
  • be aged between 15-17 years old at the commencement of the three year process. If an athlete is achieving representation at a regional level before or after this age they will be considered for entry.

More information and an application form can be found here online.