The start of a new year and not far away will be the start of a new season… Is your club ready?
With grant funding under increasing demand and grant pots shrinking it’s more important than ever that you don’t leave your applications to chance. In December GymSports NZ released a Grant Funding Guide designed to help you maximise your chances when applying for funding. Inside the Grant Funding Guide, you will find:
- A step by step process for applying for funding from planning through to putting an application together and thanking funders once you are successful.
- Frequently Asked Questions.
- Tips from key grant providers.
- Regional grant provider lists.
- Useful templates including cover letter, project plan and funding calendar.
Grant funders see hundreds and hundreds of applications every year, make sure you get the money your club needs to realise its plans for 2017 by putting your best application forward.
The GymSports NZ Grant Funding Guide is available only to affiliated member clubs. Details of how to access this resource were sent to Clubs in December. Contact your Relationship Manager if you need help to access the resource.