Here’s a wee feel good story we received yesterday – a gem among the rocks that have fallen during the earthquakes this week….
12.51am Monday morning – less than an hour after the bigger shake, 13-year-old Wellington gymnast messages 14-year-old Christchurch gymnast asking if she was ok, knowing it was centred around Christchurch.
Whilst this may sound normal for young friends, these two gymnasts don’t really know each other and they don’t communicate regularly by any means. They have seen each other at competitions but compete in different grades. In this big gymnastics family across the country, it was great to hear that ‘Wellington 13’ and ‘Christchurch 14’ are looking out for each other.
Such a heart-warming demonstration of the culture and community within our sports that we couldn’t keep it to ourselves. We hope this can generate some warm fuzzies where ever they are needed right now.