Recognise Your Achievements – Big and Small
As 2016 comes to close, let’s take a look back at our best moments. The obvious achievements are usually recognised at prize givings – top athletes, most improved etc. However, it is well worth thinking back through the year, and picking out some of the less obvious but no less important achievements. A little exercise to do with club members is for everyone to write their achievements on a Post-it note, and display them all on a wall for your athletes, volunteers, employees, parents and committee members to enjoy. Also look at your annual action plan and multi-annual strategy plan and tick off all the things that you have achieved. Take some time to feel good about your achievements, praise each other for ticking off goals and thank everyone who helped the club along the way.
Think about:
- Growth in membership
- Teaching that new skill
- New programmes or new codes the club has introduced
- The hard work of your coaches
- Successes with fundraising or grants
- Being able to buy much needed equipment
- Becoming more organised and efficient as a committee (improving health and safety practices, filling all the committee roles available etc.)
- Education of coaches and/or judges
- Or maybe it’s simply that as a club you’ve survived a challenging year (this in itself is one of the biggest achievements there is!).
It can be easy to get wrapped up in what is going on currently and looking forward to the future, but time spent reflecting, celebrating and learning is always time well spent.
Make sure to give yourselves a pat on the back, you ALL deserve it!