Celebrating 2017 and Looking Ahead to 2018

Anna RobertsonAuckland-Northland, Central-Wellington, e-News, Midlands, Regional, South Island


It has been a very busy year and there are now only 2 weeks left to Christmas. Most Clubs will have had their end of year displays and prize-givings recognising individual successes and thanking staff, volunteers, parents and judges etc.

It’s important not only to celebrate all the people that make the Club but to take some time to reflect on the year and celebrate all that has been achieved by your Club and its members.

The obvious achievements are usually recognised at prize-givings – top athletes, most improved etc., however, it is well worth thinking back through the year, and picking out some of the less obvious, but no less important, achievements:

• Membership growth and retention
• New programmes or new codes in your club
• The hard work of the administrators, coaches and judges of your club
• Success with fundraising or grants
• Being able to buy much-needed equipment
• Becoming more organised and efficient as a committee (improving health and safety practices, filling all the committee roles available etc.)

Or maybe it’s simply that as a club you’ve survived a challenging year. This in itself is one of the biggest achievements there is. Make sure to give yourselves a pat on the back, you ALL deserve it.


The Clubs and Gymnastics NZ are closing over Christmas and New Year’s and then we are at the start of a brand new year with lots of exciting things happening.  January 2018 will start with Summer Camps all over the country and Gymnastics NZ is back up and running from Monday 8 January.

Things to watch out for in 2018:

  • The new Tumbling and TeamGym programmes will kick off in many Clubs. Please contact your Regional Relationship Manager if you would like to find out more.
  • Coach and judge education – this starts as usual in February. With changes to requirements for coaches on the floor at sanctioned events it’s even more crucial that coaches get on the courses they need to attend.
  • For October 2018, Gymnastics NZ will be organising another exciting Gym For All Symposium. Please make sure that your Club plan and budget for this so that your GFA coaches don’t miss out.