Awesome fun at the Gym for All Symposium

Anna Robertsone-News, Education, GFA Coaching Symposium

Over Labour weekend, whilst many people enjoyed the warm, dry weather, a bunch of enthusiastic coaches and presenters attended the Gym for All Symposium in Wellington.

The Gym for All Symposium is a weekend of coaching workshops aimed at the recreation or Gym for All community. On day one we had a theme topic of group performance, introducing Gymnaestrada and some of the skills that go into making a performance such as Acrobatic Skills. Day two continued with lots of new ideas and discussion, including some introductory workshops to parkour related activities through the Free G programme.

We were also very lucky to have Gymnastics Australia GFA Commission member Ben Cork come and present some workshops for us. We were also joined by two coaches from the Cook Islands, looking to upskill their knowledge and make connections with the Gymnastics NZ community.

Not only was it a great opportunity for coaches to upskill their technical knowledge, it was a great way to have connectivity between our community members.

“I felt inspired to go back to our club and try some of the activities. Everyone there interacted well with lots of fun and laughter” – Aileen Berryman

“I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend. It was great to meet new people from other clubs and to hear of their club’s strengths and challenges” – Karen Fitzgerald