Hard to believe but it’s almost August and the deadline for entering gymnasts to compete at Nationals is looming. Gymnasts that still need another score to qualify have only two weekends left to achieve this goal, before the entries closing date of Wednesday 16 August.
Fortunately for the Recreational gymnasts that like to compare their achievements against other gymnasts from other clubs, this is the time of year when many recreational competitions are being scheduled.
For an up-to-date list of all upcoming competitions, courses and events in and around Auckland and Northland please see this most recent version of the calendar. Please note this document is updated regularly and a new version will be sent out with each e-News.
Entry forms for competitions can be found on the Events calendar, and registration forms for Education courses can be found on the Education calendar (both on the website).
Waitoa Free Range Chicken Competition
Needing some help with fundraising? Don’t forget to enter the Waitoa Free Range Chicken cooking competition to win a fundraising pack for your Club. This time we want to see your favourite Waitoa Free Range Chicken recipes seasoned with some gymnastics flair. To go into the draw to win a $200 fundraising pack for your Club, simply…
1. Take a photo or video of your favourite Waitoa Free Range Chicken dish
– Show in the photo which Waitoa product was used (show packaging)
– Show in the photo the finished dish
– Show in the photo your touch of gymnastics
2. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram
3. Publicly post your photo or video on Facebook or Instagram with
– #winnerwinnerwaitoachickendinner
– Name of person in the photo
– Name of the Gymnastics NZ Club they represent
The deadline has now been extended and all entries must be posted by 23:59 on Monday 21 August. Winners will be announced on or before Tuesday 29 August 2017.
Participation Numbers
Club participation numbers were due back to helpdesk by 10 July. Participation numbers are particularly important as they help us demonstrate to Sport NZ and other key funders the huge amount of gymnastics activity being delivered in New Zealand and the vast number of young people who are accessing our sport in addition to traditional members. If you have any questions about submitting your Club’s participation numbers please contact your Relationship Manager.