Sport NZ
‘Keep Up With the Play’
In order to address the high numbers of children and teenagers dropping out of Sport in New Zealand, Sport NZ has launched a public awareness campaign ‘Keep up with the Play’ designed to address this issue.
“We believe changing the attitudes and behaviours of those delivering or influencing grassroots sport, whether parents, coaches or administrators, will be the single biggest success factor in addressing the current problems in youth sport and keeping young people in the game,” says Sport NZ’s General Manager of Community Sport, Geoff Barry.
The public awareness campaign will include advertisements highlighting how thinking needs to change, additional publications through social and digital channels, a series of media announcements and events and a programme of regional forums to engage sporting bodies and clubs directly.
For further information about the campaign see the website –
This website addresses the issues from a coach, administrator and parent perspective and has a lot of useful information.
‘Keep up with the Play’ forms a part of the Balance is Better philosophy that is driving the way Sport NZ is working.
Balance Is Better
If you’ve already signed up to Balance Is Better, you’ll likely be receiving regular updates, articles and videos. If not it is worth a look on the website.
Current articles take a challenging look at how we meet (or don’t meet) the needs of young people:
Accounting for Non-Accountants – Sport NZ
Sport NZ has put together a helpful resource designed for those in the sport sector who don’t have an in-depth understanding of accounting practices. This resource covers:
- Understanding financial statements (chapter 1)
- Budgeting (chapter 2)
- Financial sustainability (chapter 3)
- Strategic management (chapter 4)
- Suggested solutions (chapter 5)