In accordance with the GymSports NZ Constitution, ‘15.3 (a) Board Appointments Panel’ (BAP), the BAP was convened to conduct the process of determining vacant Appointed Board Member positions. This process is outlined in the GymSports NZ Constitution points 15.3 (c) through to 15.4 (d), inclusive.
As obligated under point 15.4 (d), I have been advised by the BAP of the results of conducting this process and any recommendations for appointment. I am delighted to advise that GymSports NZ has accepted the following recommendations:
That Mark Figgitt be appointed to the Board of GymSports NZ as an Appointed Board Member.
That Lorraine Thomson be appointed to the Board of GymSports NZ as an Appointed Board Member.
That both appointments should be for the term as outlined in the GymSports NZ Constitution, ’15.7 Term of Office. The term of office for Appointed Board Members shall be two (2) years, commencing at the time which their appointment is determined by the Board Appointments Panel in accordance with Rule 15.4d, and expiring at the conclusion of the second AGM after their appointment.’
Read more on background information regarding Mark and Lorraine.
I trust you will join me in welcoming them both to the Board of GymSports NZ, as we look forward to their strong contributions to come.
Tony Compier
CEO – Gymnastics NZ