In accordance with the Constitution, Gymnastics New Zealand is calling for nominations to fill the two Elected Board Member positions which become vacant at the upcoming AGM – Wednesday 14th June 2023. Nominations are due by 5:00pm Monday 15th May 2023.

Furthermore, nominations are being called for Life Membership, Meritorious and National Service Awards to Gymnastics New Zealand. Nominations are due by 5:00pm Monday 15th May 2023, using the respective nomination forms.
Memo – Call for Nominations
Nomination form for elected Board Member positions – due by 5:00 pm Monday 15th May
Nomination form for Service and Meritorious Awards – due by 5:00 pm Monday 15th May
Application for Life Membership – due by 5:00 pm Monday 15th May
Delegate Form – due by 5.00pm Monday 15th May
Alternative Club Delegate form – due by Monday 15th May. Please use this form if you wish to appoint a member from an alternative club to act as your delegate at the AGM.