Celebrating Judges in the South Island

Anna Robertsone-News, Education, Regional, South Island

Our judges are volunteers who devote a lot of their own time and money into gaining and maintaining their qualifications. They then give up a lot of weekends during competition season so that our athletes can compete. A lot will take annual leave from their day jobs, to judge at the National Championships and some will also judge overseas so that our athletes can compete internationally.  That is all a lot of time away from their family and friends each year.

As a community, we are very lucky to have so many devoted judges, and striving for such excellence.  A big congratulations to the following South Island judges on your new cycle qualifications, and a big thank you in advance for all the time you will be spending this year on the floor.

Artistic Brevet Judges:

  • Esther Hyde – Christchurch School of Gymnastics – Category 2
  • Avril Enslow – Christchurch School of Gymnastics – Category 2
  • Michele Hawke – Christchurch School of Gymnastics – Category 2
  • Nyssa Winchester – Timaru Gymnastics Club – Category 3


Rhythmic Brevet Judge:

  • Keita McGowan – Dunedin Gymnastics Academy – Category 4 Individual, Category 3 Groups


Artistic Senior Judges:

  • Angie Meier – Olympia Gymnastic Sports
  • Caity Shanks – Olympia Gymnastic Sports
  • Janice Belgrave – Olympia Gymnastic Sports
  • Pip Pearse – Christchurch School of Gymnastics
  • Fran Raine – Christchurch School of Gymnastics
  • Tammy Tahuhu – Christchurch School of Gymnastics